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Me, replying to my correspondence (messages, replies, comments)

Orange cats! Good for the soul, bad for the back! 😂​

#Cats, technically a #Selfie though I very much am not the point

in reply to Sini Tuulia

@Sini Tuulia I really loved when my old cat climbed my back and her claws just touched my skin enough that I could feel it (without the skin breaking), it really helped with the neck stiffness too!

(the t-shirts I was wearing back then didn't like it as much, but whatever)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I feel like Karvinen in general makes my body release all kinds of feel-good pack bonding hormones, especially when he wants to be carried on my hip like a literal baby. 😂​

I specifically make all my shirts with a double layer upper back yoke because that's where all the cats grab on and make tiny holes in the fabric!

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