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In August my family did an 8-day #bike camping trip in Southern Ontario, completely car-free. We left our home in Toronto and my parents left their home in Niagara on bikes, and we did this lovely loop along the shore of Lake Erie. A thread about our trip!
#GoByBike #quaxing
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

This trip would be possible, car-free, for anyone within biking distance of a GO train station. We biked to a station and took the train to Hamilton. Don't feel like carrying gear on a regular bike? We rented an electric cargo bike from Happy Fiets Canada (they deliver in Toronto!)
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

The first 2.5 days were almost completely on rail trails - Brantford to Waterford has been recently paved! We saw some nice signage, the icing on the cake of good infrastructure.
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

We brought our 3-year-old's balance bike, and every day that we had a trail option he rode for a few kilometres. Such a fun way to travel.
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

We camped at conservation areas and provincial parks. Every day we visited a grocery store (and often an LCBO) just before arriving at the campground, and so we ate much better than the usual backpacking fare - one advantage of biking near civilization!

Camping used to be cheap but it's still pretty affordable - we spent $220 on 7 days of camping (after splitting with my parents), $400 to rent an e-bike, and about $250 on food for the week (including two fish and chips places on our route).
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

I grew up in Niagara, and I was worried that we might have a bad experience biking on the roads I'm used to driving on. But with one very small exception in Dunnville (see link), the roads were calm and beautiful and drivers were very courteous.

in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

I saw places I’d never seen before that were less than a half-hour drive from the place I lived for 18 years. It’s true that adventure can be close to home. On vacation I always think to myself, "Wow, I wonder what it would be like to live around here?" This time I actually knew!
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

It was very cool to bike to and from my childhood home in rural Niagara, a place I've never in my life accessed without a car. Granted, it took us four hours to get to Hamilton by bike from there, but it was such a nice ride that I will definitely do it again someday.
in reply to Madeleine Bonsma-Fisher, PhD

It's a good thing we got the 2-seater cargo bike, because the next time we do a trip like this we will have a new passenger 😉

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