Thank you #RadioFrance #MatteoCaranta #AlietteHovine for our conversation on Julian #Assange,#WikiLeaksand the #French version of my book L'Affaire #WikiLeaks by @EditionsAgone translation by Laure Mistral, forewords by #KenLoach and Serge #Halimi
Note: Just a short note: I worked for la Repubblica and l'Espresso for 14 years, I resigned in Feb.2020 to keep doing my journalistic work on #WikiLeaks. Currently I work for Il Fatto Quotidiano
"L'affaire Wikileaks" de Stefania Maurizi, leçons d'investigation
L’ouvrage de Stefania Maurizi intitulé “L’affaire Wikileaks - Médias indépendants, censure et crime d’Etat” dans lequel l’autrice offre le récit détaillé et documenté de l'épopée WikiLeaks. Une enquête de plus de 15 ans de rebondissements.Mattéo Caranta (France Culture)
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