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Der schiefe Turm von Nierfeld steht auch zwei Jahre nach der Flut als stilles Mahnmal der sich beschleunigenden Klimakatastrophe.

📷 #SamsungNX NX mini 9-27mm :darktable:

#photography #Fotografie #darktable #FotoMontag
in reply to Ge0rG 📷

this is only a monument to the incompetence of the #engineer who underestimated the importance of proper #foundations!
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

Cemented foundations won't save us, no matter how large. Especially not for buildings of the past, but also not for the houses rebuilt in the same fashion in the same places.
in reply to Ge0rG 📷

foundations are not always made of concrete. See Venice for example. That tower was most probably built near a river, on silt or clay. Some piles would have helped.
Also you correctly hinted that fixing a wrongly conceived foundation is not always possible and when possible it's usually quite hard and costly.

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