❗️#Durov has been charged with six of 12 previously announced offenses, including refusing to cooperate with authorities, the #Paris prosecutor's office said.
What the #Telegram founder is charged with:
▪️Conspiracy to operate an online platform to carry out illegal transactions as part of an organized group;
▪️Refusing to provide, at the request of authorized authorities, information or documents necessary for the execution and use of lawful interception;
▪️Complicity in crimes such as providing illegal software or data to attack automated systems, distribution of child pornography, drug trafficking, organized fraud, and criminal conspiracy;
▪️"Whitewashing" crimes or violations as part of an organized group;
▪️Providing crypto services for privacy without a declaration of compliance;
▪️Supply and import of cryptographic means that do not exclusively provide authentication or integrity control functions without prior declaration.
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