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Camera: Kolari Vision Infrared Pro-AR Full Spectrum Fuji X-T2
Camera Mode: Manual
Lens: Samyang SY300M-FX-BK 300mm F6.3
Filter: Full Spectrum
Aperture: F/6.3
Exposure: 1/3,000s
ISO: ISO-200
Editing: RawTherapee

Shy Little Frog

#Fujifilm #XT2 #FullSpectrumPhotography #KolariVisionInfrared #RawTherapee #Samyang #SY300MFXBK #Frog
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

@rnanclares Thank you!

I love this giant, stupid lens!

Nothing renders quite like a catadioptric lens, and despite the hate they get, they're actually not that hard to work with (and IMO) are actually razor-sharp and with excellent color rendering.
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

I searched your camera model and found out it's a converted Fujifilm wow. How does the "full spectrum" work? It's infrared, red, green or what combination of "bands"?
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Yeah, the Full Spectrum conversion removes the internal hot mirror, a coated piece of optical glass that covers the sensor and reflects Infrared and Ultraviolet to ensure proper color rendering of visible light only.

With that removed, your camera will pickup a blend of all UV/Visible/IR, depending upon the scene and the lens' coatings.

I really, really love the look of Full Spectrum and how unpredictable it can be.

Stop me know if you don't want hours of me talking about this 🤣
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

I'm just curious, so you also need a filter? I want to upgrade my camera and lens, but I know very little about cameras/lenses. I have a Canon 600D (can't recall the model name in the Americas, but I think it's one of the Rebels), and a Tamrom 15-55.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

You need filter(s) if you want to target specific regions of the spectrum.

So, if I brought a Hot Mirror Filter, I can shoot like normal.

I used to have 590nm, 720nm, 850nm, 1000nm, and the KolariVision Blue/NIR NDVI filters.

Some more details from KolariVision. If you go this route (I highly recommend it, this is my fourth converted camera), Ilija is a great dude with great products.

Let him know I recommended you to him 😎
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

Ok, thanks! I have a project in mind that might need something like this.
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

You can poke around and see if your camera and lens have been testef6ans rated for performance in infrared there, too.

This project sounds intriguing...
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

Nah, it's something pretty simple, counting avocados, I'm thinking it would be easier using some kind of multispectral camera.

I don't think it can be done with a drone, because you can't see them from the sky, so maybe a camera mounted on a quad bike could do the job.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

Or maybe a multispectral videocamera but I have not idea how expensive it could be. :crazy:
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Please if you can , take a picture of an avocado with your camera, I need to know if it has a strong reflectance in the IR (compared to the leaves of the tree) 🤣
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

I've got a bag of mostly green-skin Haas Avocado.

Will that do, or do you need them riper?

Also, it's the middle of the night, no sunlight right now to test.

I'll try to remember tomorrow 😬
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

No pictures yet, but I took the bag by an open window and looked through the X-T2, and the skin shows up a kind of color-shift black/purple in full-spectrum lighting.

I don't have access to Avocado plants, but I see no reason to believe the foliage would be anything but white-pink, like pretty much every plant.

The question becomes will that contrast remain under dense canopy where Visible light and UV are diminished and it's mostly IR... And if using a bandpass filter will help.
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

Good! That's what is was expecting. At least I have something that could possibly separate the fruits from the plant.
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Do you need more testing from me?

I'm super limited right now, I sold my prior camera and all the filters, so I just have full-spectrum and I can make a very rough 720nm-ish out of a black trash bag.
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

Hey, don't worry! I will keep you posted in case we finally try something.
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Please do!

I hope to have some more filters soon, just have to save up and justify it to myself 🤣
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Once you add either multi or spectral labels to a camera, you can bet the price will make you cry 🤣
in reply to Brett Edmond Carlock

That lowers the probability of making a demo project... I need someone who already owns one so I can borrow it. Maybe a simple sequoia and a Phantom 4 can do the job, flying low or taking oblique pictures.
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

You might be pleasantly surprised by what you can see with a full-spectrum conversion and an appropriate filter.

Have you seen the InfraGram project by The Public Lab?

You can get a proof of concept done pretty light using their information.
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

I'm saving up for the magnetic clip-in filters, and likely will get the KolariVision KolariChrome first, because who doesn't want to shoot like Kodak AeroChrome?!

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