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Camera: Fuji X-T1
Camera Mode: Manual
Lens: XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS
Filter: Visible Light
Aperture: F/3.2
Exposure: 30s
ISO: ISO-1,600
Editing: RawTherapee

Summer Fireflies

This is a stacked composite of 7 frames, all roughly 30s @ ISO-1,600 taken at around 10pm (2200hrs) on a Summer's night.

#Fujifilm #XT1 #RawTherapee #XF1855 #FireFlies
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Oh, that would make me really sad...

My parent's house also has tons of tree frogs and katydids in addition to the fireflies, so Summer nights are pretty magical.

I don't have any of that where I live currently, but at least I can visit.

We have a group of people who street-race all night long the whole summer, so I guess that's something 🤷

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