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In Development Since 2019, #NetBSD 10-RC1 Released As A Huge Update

I guess @freezr will rejoice
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

Nice and thanks for quoting me!


I tested NetBSD on my Odroid-XU4 for a while but unfortunately wasn't able to use all the 8 cores, only the Big-Endian ones...

P.s. don't ask me what big-endians mean because I don't know... 🙏

P.p.s BSD are more funny to use than any Linux distros...
in reply to ❄️ freezr ❄️

Endianess is the order if memorization and transmission: a 16 bit value like 0x1234 is memorized in big endian as 1st byte 0x12, 2nd byte 0x34, while little endian 1st 0x23, 2nd 0x12. Intel is little endian, most RISCs and Internet protocols are big endian.

It's easier to understand using dates:
dd/mm/yyyyy: the European date is little-endian
yyyyy/mm/dd: the big-endian date is used in Japan and ISO 8601
mm/dd/yyyyy: the date used in the U.S. is middle-endian

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