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#Signal Facing Collapse After #CIA Cuts Funding

So which are the free-as-in-fredom alternatives?

> On November 16th, Meredith Whittaker, President of Signal, published a detailed breakdown of the popular encrypted messaging app’s running costs for the very first time. The unprecedented disclosure’s motivation was simple - the platform is rapidly running out of money, and in dire need of donations to stay afloat.

in reply to Paolo Redaelli

Signal is in fact the free-as-in-freedom alternative, it’s AGPL: I have no idea how practical would be to self host it, that’s the main catch I guess?
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

"The app being quite so good at helping users “communicate outside the reach of governments” that its US intelligence community sponsors have now forsaken the project entirely is a bitter irony. "
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

This is all so bad.
From the article:

The app being quite so good at helping users “communicate outside the reach of governments” that its US intelligence community sponsors have now forsaken the project entirely is a bitter irony.


in reply to Paolo Redaelli

This post has a lot of leaps of logic to try to paint Signal as nefarious. Or irresponsible. With the big push by Musk and others to do the same I am wondering why.
in reply to Frank T

Well, the article, not my post. I was surprised to discover that CIA is somehow "behind" Signal. How naïve I was. I'm worried that there is no widespread or widely known free-as-in-freedom, robust, secure alternative. I'm aware that Telegram has lots of issues and that anything that uses telephone numbers is compromised.
I shall do my homeworks and find alternatives. I suspect it would end up everyone setting up little XMPP servers
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

But the CIA is not. That is a guilt by association that everything in the US government is connected. This is the kind of paranoia that people are trying to raise regarding Signal and I have to wonder why.
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

FYI this article is six months old and there has been no indication since that Signal is in danger of shutting down due to lack of funds.
in reply to Jeremie

I would, but I also remember that "anything relying on phone numbers is already compromised". It seems plausible but I can't remember where I've read it
in reply to Jeremie

It would end up with a federation of little xmpp servers.
It only Google hadn't crippled it with its own EEE 😭
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

@metacosm Or donate to Signal from time to time? You even get a badge on your profile if you want one.

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