My sandals self destructed while I was on vacation so I'm trying to make my own out of some random poly/cotton canvas and a cut up old boot mat. Here's an initial stab at a layout for the straps. This is not what I'll end up with, but it's more comfortable than I expected.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Rivikah • • •@Rivikah are the straps going to be fixed, except for the one that goes behind the ankle that will have a way to open?
(my attempts at making sandals failed because of the straps positions, so I'm trying to see if there is a better option than what I did)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •@valhalla I'm actually probably not going for this design at all. I'm thinking something with laces here's another rough mock up.
It's not quite right yet either.
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Rivikah • • •