These days we have spent some time with our friend @Guillaume . He followed TROM for some 10 years now and wanted to meet us: @Tio , @Sasha and @Georgi .
It feels so real to meet humans. Humans who are aware of the world we have discovered through science, and the stupidity and cruelty of our society. You can have real and important discussions with such people. We are very happy to have met him and we will keep in close touch. He also helps TROM financially via monthly donations. Many thanks!
Tomorrow the work on TROM II documentary will be resumed and in a month or two, we should either finish it or pause the work until we get more funds to continue it. We will keep everyone posted via our Friendica. If you see this message somewhere else tthan Friendica (and you can't even see the awesome photo with us :) ) then please understand that we auto post on Facebook and the like, but our main social platform is the decentralized Friendica at - anyone can join the many millions of people there! No ads, no data collection, a proper social network. Come join us!
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