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I would appreciate some help on this:

#qgis #qgisprocess #qgishydro #hydroinformatics
in reply to Josep Pueyo-Ros :rstats:

This might help:
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Raúl Nanclares 🍜

Thanks! The script I'm "translating" outputs a geopackage with two layers (nodes and edges), so the problem is not converting to a file but to an object of class qgsvectorlayer that is usually returned by qgis plugins. I know I could return a pointer to a temporary file (like SAGA algorithms) but I would prefer just returning the QGIS layer directly.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Josep Pueyo-Ros :rstats:

yep, I don't think there's any obvious way to transform and object from networkx to a qgis object.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

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