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Hey netizens, do me a favour: if you have a site and it has a newsfeed (#RSS or #Atom), please check it with If it fails the validation, please tell the author of your software about it. If you're the author and you don't understand what the validator is telling you, comment here and I'll try to help (others are welcome to help too!)

The world is full of slightly broken feeds. Let's make it a better place.
#RSS #atom
in reply to Minoru

Don’t trust the W3C site. They’re not playing by the rules.
in reply to Dave Winer ☕️

could you be more specific? Are there specific rules they aren't following, or can you point to an article or blog post describing the problems?
in reply to Ian Flynn

RSS 2.0 is a frozen format, but the W3C won’t commit to respecting that.

They’re using a spec that is not the original, that has been changed.

We discovered this last week and went through it with them and they refused to commit to observing the roadmap, and are still pointing to the modified spec.

I am the author of the RSS 2.0 spec, btw. A former member of the W3C and it pains me to have to say all this.

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