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"Microsoft blocks Tutanota users from own service: Tutanota users can't register a Microsoft Teams account."

Was denkt ihr, wie es den vielen kleinen (Privat-)Domains geht, die selbst hosten? Das interessiert #Microsoft überhaupt nicht.
in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

The only feasible way to use #microsoft and other #proprietary services is not to use them at all. However I do acknowledge that sometimes it is difficult
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

I've made a conscious choice to shun #GAFAM and yet even that wasn't quite enough:

They leverage their undeserved influence to strong-arm people into their services via the workplace, school etc.

Which I think is a very corrupt and unfair situation; I'm truly pissed that this is not clearly illegal.

Basic services, e-government, school, workplace etc. should by rights be accessible to all without having to accept the TOS of proprietary 3rd parties.

@kuketzblog @Tutanota

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