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The Big Question
Physical, Digital Or Streamed? How Do You Like Your Recorded Jazz?

The Big Question is: which format do you prefer and why do you prefer it? Audio quality, artist and composer remuneration, convenience, price, storage, the listening experience, tactile and visual considerations, all these things and more may be factored in. #jazz #vinyl
in reply to All About Jazz

I only buy vinyl; however that said, the first thing I do is create hi-quality digital version of the the vinyl. I can then stream the digital around the house, we have six rooms with synchronized players. I can plug the amp output in to the distribution system, but the sound isn't so great and somewhere the equalization is off.

So I digitize all my music, some 3,500 albums, I can play it on headphones while walking, in the car while driving, around the house etc.
in reply to All About Jazz

I prefer physical media but I'm agnostic about CDs vs vinyl. I'm exceptionally price sensitive so I tend to buy more CDs now.

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