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Sandro Santilli reshared this.

2023 | Introduction to Coordinate Systems - Javier Jimenez Shaw

FOSS4G 2023 Prizren

Introduction to basic but important concepts about Coordinate Reference Systems (what is doable in 20 min )

- Geographic Coordinate (Reference) Systems
- Different Datums/Ellipsoids
- Projections (Mercator, UTM, LCC, ...)
- EPSG catalog
- WKT (well known text) description
- Reference to library

The purpose is to explain basic concepts to have a good basis to understand later more complex problems. The presentation will have a lot of links to go deeper into any area of interest.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to

@robe thanks for sharing this video !
This entry was edited (10 months ago)

Ciao @Valentina Fenu - ti scrivo da quella baracca a pedali di #Friendica installato dal buon @Paolo Vecchi su un server in Lussemburgo.

Non so se questa comunicazione arrivera' ad entrambi ma per incrementarne la probabilita' la sto scrivendo pubblicamente.

Spero non se ne abbiano gli sviluppatori (ma mi includo tra questi quindi direi che almeno uno non se ne risente).

Sandro Santilli reshared this.

A better place to publish your #MuseScore scores so that people aren't asked for money to access them. Platform based on #OpenSource software.

I was really looking forward for this, still not tried but very happy to have found it.


in reply to Sandro Santilli

seems like it is dead

I do like musescore, and have bought a subscription to it for a couple of years now. So they changed to be that if you do not have a subscription you have to pay to download now? That sucks.

in reply to Eric Dannewitz

@ericdano yes, that's exactly what's happening. It wouldn't bother me too much if it wasn't for the prompt you get to "save to the cloud" when saving scores, unless the ability to define a custom destination (like your own #NextCloud instance) was given.

#LibreScore #LiberateMuseScore #MuseScore

Che voi sappiate #Tusky dovrebbe funzionare bene con #Friendica ? Mi ha fatto autenticare e mi ha inviato moltissime notifiche riguardo ad attività erroneamente segnalate come attuali, ma poi qualunque cosa io priva fare risulta in un'attesa lunghissima che termina in un avvertimento che il network è giù. Forse è solo lento ? @Paolo Vecchi @Paolo Vecchi

Comunque questa idea che ho avuto di farmi 6 account su 6 istanze Mastodon diverse mi si sta ritorcendo contro. Aiuto ! #Tusky e' carino che mi permette facilmente di rispondere ai post da qualunque identita' pero' non mi consente con la stessa facilita' di vedere una timeline unica.

Sandro Santilli reshared this.

Did you know that the vast majority of the Android phones have proprietary software installed by default?

Most of the time, this software ties the devices to specific commercial providers, hindering the rights and the freedom of the users.

🔓 Break free from proprietary platforms, and flash your Android!

Check out our playlist with guides on how to install a #FreeSoftware distribution on your phone!

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in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

worse if it's new phone, with warranty , bought for me and not by me...
in reply to Free Software Foundation Europe

very few devices are aesy to mod and root and most of them are old. almost no meditek device has a valid europeand distribution available out of the box :-/

Sandro Santilli reshared this.

I've been working on a full-on RPG for the Pepper&Carrot RPG for a while now. It's currently in playtest and I'd love for other Fate folks to give it a peek and let me know what you think.

You can download the PDF from here:

And if you want to see the source you can visit its repo here:

Thanks for your indulgence. I hope you have fun with it. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

#peppercarrot #faterpg #ttrpg

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Sandro Santilli reshared this.

Sandro Santilli reshared this.

Unknown parent

Sandro Santilli
Dici davvero ? Ritieni che il client abbia inviato al server il payload senza language e quello lo abbia aggiunto ? Essendo statunitense ci sta che abbia usato la lingua di default configurata li'. Ma rispondi con cognizione di causa o tanto per farmi passare meno per pazzo ?
Unknown parent

Sandro Santilli
è qui in alto. Dopo lo screenshot l'ho cambiato ad IT perché me lo aveva proposto in inglese, forse perché il tuo post è marcato come inglese
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

in reply to Poliverso :friendica:

Di certo non ho una lista di blocco, né ho mai bloccato alcuna istanza...
GTS usa le stesse API di Mastodon, la ancora siamo in alpha... Ahahaha

Sento cosa dicono i guru!

@notizie @fediverso @FronteAmpio

in reply to TiTiNoNero :__:

@77nn mmmm... non ho capito se si tratta di un problema sistemico di incompatibilità tra le due piattaforme, Ma questa issue non mi sembra che sia stata ancora evasa correttamente

@notizie @fediverso @FronteAmpio

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