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Items tagged with: Iran

| Mental Wellness |

Intentional poisoning by drugs and chemicals is a common emergency in #Iran and is the 3rd leading cause of #suicide globally. This report focuses on the prevalence of suicide attempts through self-poisoning among children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 yr, highlights critical aspects of suicide methods, emphasizing the role of age, #gender, and urban residency in influencing suicide attempts. Policies to prevent access to lethal medications are needed

Today we at #FattoQuotidiano run an interview with former #CIA under cover operative, #JeffreySterling on #Iran,#EspionageAct, #Assange

[ENGLISH, free from paywall]

“Hundreds of protesters flooded the streets of a Tehran neighborhood overnight to commemorate the birthday of Hamidreza Rouhi, a university student who was killed nearly five months ago amid a brutal state crackdown on anti-government demonstrations.”


Woman, Life, Freedom: A message from Iran

#Iran, notte di proteste per #MahsaAmini: bloccati Instagram e WhatsApp
via SQUID App

"Qui le donne sono scese in piazza a capo scoperto, sventolando il velo islamico o bruciandolo. "No al velo, no al turbante, sì alla libertà e all'uguaglianza!", hanno intonato i manifestanti a #Teheran."

Ma non ci eravamo detti che il velo per le donne musulmane fosse una libera scelta?

🔴 Measuring DoT/DoH Blocking Using OONI Probe: A Preliminary Study

We investigated the blocking of DoH and DoT in #, #, and # with a new OONI Probe experiment (DNSCheck). 🐙

Read our summary of findings:

# # # # #

Attacco stazioni di servizio: # accusa # e #
Cosa potrebbe aver portato all’incidente che ha causato il blocco delle stazioni di servizio in tutto il paese? Un’analisi degli scenari recenti e passati ci può far luce sulla vicenda ed evidenziare la guerra cibernetica recentemente analizzata da #.
Di Dario #

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