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Items tagged with: AbuOmar

There are hundreds amazing cables revealed by Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks, like those on the how the U.S diplomacy exerted pressure on ALL key Italian politicians to grant impunity to #CIA agents responsible for the extraordinary rendition of #AbuOmar:

#DontExtraditeAssange mi ha chiesto alcune delle rivelazioni + importanti di Julian #Assange e @wikileaks: i cablo sulle pressioni USA su Enrico Letta, Berlusconi, La Russa e TUTTA politica italiana per garantire IMPUNITÀ agli agenti #CIA che rapirono #AbuOmar:

Over 100 jurists coordinated by #ArmandoSpataro,the legendary prosecutor who nailed the #CIA agents responsible for the rendition of #AbuOmar,and prof. #MarioSerio have signed an appeal to save the #WikiLeaks founder Julian #Assange.
Their appeal has been published by @LaStampa

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