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Items tagged with: DanielEllsberg

Congratulations to #DanielHale for the #DanielEllsberg's #Whistleblower Award.

Daniel is a straight timber of humanity, as #DanielEllsberg who remains our Northern Star

#DanielHale revealed the brutality of the #Drone war and revealed that during his assignment in #Afghanistan, 9 of 10 of those killed by US drones were NOT terrorists: they were innocent people

il primo Premio Internazionale che onora la memoria del grande #DanielEllsberg

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#DanielHale, il whistleblower americano che ha rivelato che,nella sua missione in#Afghanistan,9 su 10 di quelli ammazzati dai #droni USA erano innocenti

Oggi celebriamo una persona assolutamente speciale:

#RandyKehler, l'attivista americano che ispiro' il marine e analista dell'intelligence USA,#DanielEllsberg, a far uscire i #PentagonPapers.

Ha combattuto tutta la vita contro la macchina della guerra:

I admire how the United States produce individuals capable of exceptional #courage and sacrifice to oppose #war and its military-intelligence complex:

From #DanielEllsberg to #ChelseaManning to #Snowden to #DanielHale to #AaronBushnell:

Se vige la disperazione accade il contrario, e si è preda della propaganda di destra"

Da leggere intervista di Pontiggia al grande #KenLoach

#KenLoach, come #DanielEllsberg, è la nostra Stella Polare:

in one of the most prestigious TV programs of the Italian state broacaster,#RAI,the former editor-in-chief of #CorriereDellaSera,#PaoloMieli calls #DanielEllsberg a *traitor* and relies on a historian who sits in #ICSAFoundation,well-known for its close ties to the natsec state

che assoluta disgrazia giornalistica e intellettuale: #PaoloMieli cura una puntata dei #PentagonPapers chiamando #DanielEllsberg *traditore*, affidandosi a uno storico nel consiglio scientifico di quel covo di militaristi e fan delle spie della #FondazioneICSA

Two weeks ago the #DanielEllsberg's family celebrated his life, here the wonderful eulogy of his son #RobertEllsberg

and here the recording of Daniel Ellsberg's Celebration of Life:

#DanielEllsberg will remain our North Star

Two weeks ago the #DanielEllsberg's family celebrated his life, here the wonderful eulogy of his son #RobertEllsberg

and here the recording of Daniel Ellsberg's Celebration of Life:

#DanielEllsberg will remain our North Star

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