Items tagged with: MilitarySpending
a death knell for my country:
over the last 2 decades, Italian governments have somehow resisted US pressure to increase Italy's #militarySpending to 2% of our GDP, but things will change soon.
It will be the end of our #WelfareState
Armi e difesa, l’agenda Draghi imbarazza il Pd (e Meloni frena)
“I soldi poi si trovano”. L’ex premier insiste sull’incremento di spesa in EuropaWanda Marra (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
5.7millions citizens and residents live in extreme poverty in Italy, millions can't access health treatments, as our glorious Italian Public Health Service (#SSN) is collapsing.
What does the #Meloni government do? a foolish increase in #MilitarySpending.
Tutti i programmi militari e di riarmo del Ministro Crosetto
Da inizio Legislatura il Ministero della Difesa ha trasmesso alle Commissioni Difesa del Parlamento ventisette nuovi programmi militari per un onere finanziario pluriennale di 34,6 miliardi di euro e un impegno finanziario annuale per il 2024 e 2025 …Enrico Piovesana (MIL€X Osservatorio sulle spese militari italiane)
By increasing Italy's #MilitarySpending as #ExtremePoverty in Italy reaches unprecedented levels (9.8% of Italian citizens and residents) and joining rearmament programs like #ELSA, the #Meloni government goes beyond this:
this is an existential threat for my country, #Italy: #MilitarySpending will destroy our #WelfareState (health, education, pensions):