Items tagged with: education
I wrote this with a heavy heart and a newfound fire in me to oppose the tech barons: "The rebellion will be federated"
If you want to follow my Wordpress blog and get new posts straight in your feed, click here: @ele
#blog #FLOSS #bigtech #education #resist #rebel #activism #Fediverse
The rebellion will be federated — Elena Rossini
This is how I plan to rebel against the tech barons and kleptocrats for the next 4 years: through activism, education and FLOSSElena Rossini
Day 2 of my resistance against tech overlords.
Yesterday I set up my #RaspberryPi and started tinkering with it.
Today I’m at the library getting books on #Linux, Raspberry Pi, tech history and theory.
#Education and tech independence are a powerful mix. Resist ✊
#FOSS #RebelAlliance #resistance
I let out a gasp when I saw the title of this book: “Privacy is Power. Why and how you should take back control of your data” by Carissa Véliz.
I can’t wait to start reading it.
(Also file under: self care at the #library #books #education #resistance #privacy)
OECD Indicators. Una miniera di informazioni sullo stato dell'istruzione soprattutto nei paesi dell'OCSE. Si può leggere online o scaricare da qui, in formato PDF o ePub: #istruzione #scuola #OCSE @maupao @informapirata
ICYMI: I wrote about what it's like to be a member of the LAST generation that grew up offline, without the internet... plus raising a small child screen-free in 2024:
#technology #tech #parenting #screenfree #genX #genY #genZ #education #TheRealists #digitalliteracy #mindfulness
The In-Betweeners
Since my childhood, I have been an in-betweener: one foot in the digital world; one foot in the real world. I'm still doing that today, in 2024 - spending half my days completely offline. Here is what I learned from this.Elena Rossini (The Realists)
Se anche tu sei un fan del libro Ada&Zangemann ti farà piacere sapere che FSFE ha pensato ad un format per i ragazzi: un attività di un'ora e mezza da proporre a scuole e/o centri culturali! Vuoi saperne di più? Segui i dettagli qui sotto ⬇️
Presentazione del progetto formativo didattico "Sono giovani + hanno bisogno di codice".
Ci vediamo mercoledì 19 giugno, alle 18:00. Online: FSFE BBB
#righttorepair #softwarefree #education
Sono giovani + hanno bisogno di codice
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I discussed Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks, Daniel #Ellsberg, Chelsea #Manning and #ExceptionalCourage.
This is the breathtaking art on my way to the uni: #Michelangelo
21 reasons why #AI in #Education is a public problem
AI in education is a public problem
Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash Over the past year or so, a narrative that AI will inevitably transform education has become widespread. You can find it in the pronouncements of investors, tech ind…code acts in education