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Items tagged with: ClimateCrisis

What can #R, #Python, and #Julia development communities do to help combat the #climatecrisis?

Let's explore solutions, together with leading experts Anita Graser 🌻 from AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Edzer Pebesma from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Maarten Pronk from Deltares, Lorena Abad Crespo from Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg and Tomislav Hengl. Join this interactive discussion, ask us your questions, and answer ours online #Slido.

A psychological experiment showed that if people around us ignore an evident emergency, most would ignore it as well.

I think about this a lot in regards to #Covid, and the #ClimateCrisis

"only one of the ten subjects... reported the smoke. the other nine subjects stayed in the waiting room for the full six minutes while it continued to fill up with smoke, doggedly working on their questionnaires and waving the fumes away from their faces."


I'm finding it a little hard to work today with this in my head.

Antarctic ice extent is now 6.4 standard deviations below the mean. That is, I'm reliably told, a one in 13 billion year event.

We're about to see a lot of shit hit a lot of fans. And we are far from ready.

Business as usual is over. Politics as usual is over. We need to be putting our effort into building systems that can help us survive what greed and power and wilful blindness have wrought.

#ClimateCrisis #Antarctica

So, in Catania (Sicily):

1. high temperatures cause brownouts
2. brownouts prevent pumping of drinkwater, leaving most of the city with no running water.
3. With no electricity and no running water, people have no recourse against the searing heat.

Coming soon to a city near you.


A difesa dell’acqua
Italia 1977

La campagna suscita una forte ondata di interesse e, soprattutto dalle scuole dei comuni toccati da calamità, giungono numerose richieste del materiale relativo alla campagna per una diffusione più capillare dei messaggi.

#climatecrisis #acqua #alluvioni

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