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Items tagged with: covid

Phew! The CDC's independent vaccine advisory committee, the ACIP, voted 13-1 to recommend the updated #COVID booster vaccines for everyone 6 months and older.

It’s great that the boosters won’t be heavily restricted as rumored and instead will be available to virtually everyone.

The new vaccines will be available in pharmacies within 48 hours after the CDC director approves.

A review of thousands of studies by the Royal Society finds that public health measures such as social distancing and masks unequivocally reduce the spread of #COVID infections. Notably, non-pharmaceutical interventions are most effective when used in combination.

👉 i vaccini? Non un obbligo*, ma un Diritto!

* (tranne che per chi avrebbe l’obbligo morale di proteggere i propri pazienti)

#Covid, per l’autunno ipotesi vaccino a pagamento per gli under 60

A psychological experiment showed that if people around us ignore an evident emergency, most would ignore it as well.

I think about this a lot in regards to #Covid, and the #ClimateCrisis

"only one of the ten subjects... reported the smoke. the other nine subjects stayed in the waiting room for the full six minutes while it continued to fill up with smoke, doggedly working on their questionnaires and waving the fumes away from their faces."


#Covid-19 vaccine and #Cuba. How Big Business & Big Government worked together against the world health #embargo #patents

5. ad accusare di disinformazione sul #COVID avvelenata da propaganda russa è il #GEC del #DipartimentoStatoUSA: il #GlobalEngagementCenter.
Il documento risale a aprile 2020: era #Trump:

4. è pazzesco che #GiuseppeConte, #NicolaZingaretti, cittadini come #VladimiroGiacche' vengano accusati senza uno straccio di esempio oggettivo di come abbiano diffuso disinformazione sul #COVID:

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