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Items tagged with: freeassangenow

🇩🇪Hatte heute die Ehre mit @StellaAssange beim Mittagessen im EU-Parlament die nächsten Schritte im Kampf gegen die drohende Auslieferung ihres Ehemanns #JulianAssange zu besprechen.

Ergebnis: Wir werden noch vor der anstehenden finalen Gerichtsverhandlung handeln, mehr dazu demnächst.

Voller Einsatz der #Piraten-Abgeordneten im EU-Parlament für Transparenz, Rechenschaftspflicht, Investigativjournalismus und Gerechtigkeit - #FreeAssangeNOW!

🇬🇧Had the honour of meeting @StellaAssange for lunch in the European Parliament today to discuss the next steps in the fight against the impending extradition of her husband #JulianAssange.

Result: We will act before the upcoming final court hearing, more soon.

You can rely on us #Pirate MEPs's full commitment for transparency, accountability, investigative journalism and justice - #FreeAssangeNOW!

Nuova installazione/azione di LIBERI e FREE ASSANGE #NAPOLI: perché il Sindaco #PD non conferisce la cittadinanza già approvata in Comune?

Invece a #Milano la pseudo-sinistra del PD ha negato il riconoscimento perché <<lo stato deve mantenere il diritto di secretare documenti per preservare una democrazia liberale>>: i segreti di stato vanno bilanciati con il diritto a conoscere la verità

#freeAssange #freeAssangeNOW #libertàperAssange #JulianAssange

Saremo al Festival internazionale del giornalismo di Perugia a volantinare per ricordare l'importanza di questo volume e l'urgenza di #FreeAssangeNOW

RT @GabrielShipton
What do Presidents Trump and Biden have in common? both are responsible for a 'disturbing' attack on the First Amendment. @SenSanders was happy to call it out from opposition, but now that he actually has influence over the administration, he is silent. #FreeAssangeNOW

More than 3500 people have already pledged to form a human chain to surround parliament in support of Julian Assange on October 8th #SurroundParliament #FreeAssangeNOW #HumanChain

Pledge to join now: #SurroundParliamentAssange

The UK's Decision to Extradite Assange Shows Why The US/UK's Freedom Lectures Are a Farce

"The # persecution is the greatest threat to Western press freedoms in years. It is also a shining monument to the fraud of American and British self-depictions." -G. Greenwald

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