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Items tagged with: Blog

Previously secret Israeli spyware that infects targets via ads on Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and Apple iOS devices

Content warning: Grey and white image with square tiles having letters AD in them, being torn open at the top left, showing a woman's face peering through the torn hole. The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Director of Activism Jason Kelley said Insanet’s use of advertisi

Non tutte le mie creazioni DIY sono orripilanti. Stavolta, per fare un regalo sia a me che non, abbellisco delle mollette per capelli, nel primo modo che mi viene a mente.

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#Blog #DIY
#blog #DIY

Fairphone 5 sets a new standard with 8-10 years of Android support and a 5-year warranty

Content warning: Light blue rear of a smart phone with 3 camera lenses shown, and a front facing view with the word Fairphone on the screen Fairphone is not trying to compete on bleeding edge specifications. It can be more likened to a mid-range phone, with long support,

Which should we use in 2023: HEIC Photo Format vs JPEG and PNG and WEBP formats

Content warning: Close up view of the back of a phone with its 3 camera lenses on top, resting on part of a laptop keyboard We all have long known the JPEG file format because it is quite old already, and just works everywhere. Back in the day it offered a reasonable comp

Un'azione di solito considerata come priva di rilevanza, in un attimo speciale può scoprirsi magica e impossibile da tenere per sé: tocca scrivere una recensione.

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Nota: questo articolo avrebbe dovuto si in primo luogo illustrare i problemi della dock di Switch, ma poi continuare e terminare con lo sviluppo totale della mia soluzione alternativa. La prima parte è venuta bella lunga, però, e ho paura che possa eclissare quella veramente importante, quella della mia soluzione pericolosamente originale. Quindi, in questo articolo parlo solo delle mie rogne; quello che uscirà in s...

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#Blog #Tecnologia #Gaming

Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code no longer available to the public: This effects various downstream distros based on it

Content warning: Red Hat has decided to stop making the source code of RHEL available to the public. From now on it will only be available to customers — who can’t legally share it. This is very […] ht

WhatsApp launches Channels feature for broadcast messages, long after Telegram, but plans to monetise it

Content warning: Seems the broadcast feature will work very similarly to Telegram’s broadcast channels in that an unlimited number of users can subscribe, but communication is broadcast one-w

Per colpa di gente che non sa leggere delle regole, mi sono venuti i demoni in capa mentre svolgevo un esame che doveva essere facilissimo.

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