Items tagged with: Wikileaks
dopo 9 anni di battaglia legale,siamo convinti che i documenti dei governi USA,UK, Svezia, Australia su #JA e #WikiLeaks contengano le prove della più grande operazione mai messa a punto da attori statali per distruggere un'organizzazione giornalistica
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
Dopo 9 anni di battaglia legale con 4 governi che hanno provato in ogni sentenza legale a impedirci l'accesso ai documenti del caso Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks,siamo convinti che i documenti siano esplosivi.
Scopriremo la verità a ogni costo
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
Dopo 9 anni di battaglia legale con 4 governi che hanno provato in ogni sentenza legale a impedirci l'accesso ai documenti del caso Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks,siamo convinti che i documenti siano esplosivi.
Scopriremo la verità a ogni costo
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
#ConsortiumNews, fondato dal giornalista che tanto contribuì a rivelare lo scandalo Iran-contras, ha scritto un lungo articolo sulla mia battaglia legale con #FOIA per accedere a tutti i documenti del caso Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks:
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
US,UK,Australian,Swedish documents on Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks contain details of what happens when journalists have the full force of the State against them.
That's why I've been fighting since 2015 to obtain it. Do you have legit access? Leak it
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
thank you Joe Lauria and Mohamed Elmaazi for your in-depth article on my #FOIA trench warfare to unearth the truth about the Julian #Assange and #WikiLeaks case.
My #UK #FOIA lawyer, @estelledehon and I are waiting for the London Tribunal's judgement
Fighting for More Evidence of Assange's Political Prosecution
Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has been in court trying to get some missing emails — or data about them — that could further expose the political motivation behind the prosecution of the WikiLeaks publisher.o
Contrary to #NSA and #CIA which experienced massive UNAUTHORIZED leaks (#SnowdenFiles and #Vault7 by #WikiLeaks), #NGA has NOT experienced massive unauthorized leaks TO THIS DAY.
Is this leak relaunched by #KenKlippenstein authorized or unauthorized ?
Israel Preps for Strike on Iran, Top Secret Leak Reveals
Read the U.S. intelligence reports the media won’t publishKen Klippenstein
non potevo lasciare #IlPotereSegreto senza l'happy end e senza spiegarvi perché vogliono ANCORA distruggere Julian #Assange e #WikiLeaks. O pensavate che fosse finita?
il 25 ottobre in libreria.
Qui il preordine:
non è stato uno scherzo riscrivere completamente #IlPotereSegreto
Perché ANCORA vogliono distruggere #JA e #WikiLeaks?
E perché gli USA lo hanno lasciato andare?
Arriva in libreria il 25 ottobre, ma qui potete preordinarlo!