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Items tagged with: cats

The soft has located a soft

I love the cat tendency to discover different sleeping spots and rotate between them. This is a pillow I've kept mostly because the boys loved it at one point and apparently it's still very good


#cats #dogs #newyear #calendar
Sono arrivati i calendari della nostra associazione, se qualcunə volesse una copia mi contatti in DM o meglio su xmpp: oppure

She’s just come in from the rain, she’s wet, and she’s trying to decide what keyboard to sit on. #cats #music

I don’t know which nation has National Black Cat Appreciation Day, but I hope you will appreciate Shadow, who appreciates the giant plush pillow we bought our kid.

#BlackCats #NationalBlackCatAppreciationDay #cats

Very pleased with how the album cover photo turned out. #cats

A package arrived and somecat clearly thinks it was sent to us so she could have the tissue paper to make her bed.

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