Items tagged with: nature
«L'attenzione ai deficit percepiti dagli individui distoglie l'attenzione dalle realtà sociali - spostamento, alienazione, repressione - che fanno risuonare false teorie.»
Le teorie del complotto riguardano più i valori che le informazioni. Le dichiarazioni di debunking possono occasionalmente essere efficaci, ma fanno poco per affrontare la loro causa principale.
Di Elżbieta #Drążkiewicz su #Nature
Le teorie del complotto riguardano più i valori che le informazioni. Le dichiarazioni di debunking possono occasionalmente essere efficaci, ma fanno poco per affrontare la loro causa principale.
Di Elżbieta #Drążkiewicz su #Nature
Study conspiracy theories with compassion
The societal forces that drive people to join a belief system matter more than the specifics of what they believe.Drążkiewicz, Elżbieta
Oh, pretty excited, the frogs decided I weren't a threat and called for me while I was filming!
Video is shaky (handheld while kneeling in a puddle) and the light flickers 'cause it was just a cheap LED torch, but I still got a call on video. :)
#frog #RedEyedTreefrog #Nature #AustralianWildlife #video
Video is shaky (handheld while kneeling in a puddle) and the light flickers 'cause it was just a cheap LED torch, but I still got a call on video. :)
#frog #RedEyedTreefrog #Nature #AustralianWildlife #video
Red EyedTreefrog calling
Sorry about the flickering light, it was a small LED torch and clearly the refresh rate is such that it flickrs when filmed. Also, the video is shaky because...YouTube