Items tagged with: OpenSOurce
The #EuropeanCommission is finally considering whether "#OpenSource software (#OSS)…can be used as a foundation for developing the new #publishing platform" for EC-funded #OpenAccess research.
Unfortunately, the new software would merely "underpin" #OpenResearchEurope (#ORE), not replace it. ORE is proprietary software owned by #TaylorAndFrancis. When the EC called for bids on ORE, it did not require open code despite many calls to do so.
Analysis of the requirements for the Open Source infrastructure of the Open Research Europe Publishing Platform - Publications Office of the EU
Open Research Europe (ORE) is the peer-reviewed open-access publishing platform of the European Commission. It follows the post-publication peer review model to promote scientific transparency and reuse.Publications Office of the EU
Update. Very good news: The European Commission picked #OpenJournalSystems (#OJS) to be the #OpenSource core of #OpenResearchEurope (#ORE).
At least at its core, the primary platform for hosting EC-funded #OpenAccess research will finally now be #OpenInfrastructure.
PKP, an SFU Core Facility, announces its Open Journal Systems (OJS) is selected for European Commission's Open Research Europe (ORE) infrastructure.Famira Racy (Public Knowledge Project)
A great refresher on using email clients over web & thus power hungry browser interfaces by the Mozilla Thunderbird people
#Linux #freeBSD #netBSD #openBSD #UUCP #POP3 #IMAP #OpenSource #POSIX #programming #UA
Why Use a Mail Client vs Webmail - The Thunderbird Blog
What is the difference between a mail client and using webmail?Natalie Ivanova (The Thunderbird Blog)
🔧 Informa Pirata: informazione e notizie pinned «Signori, cari amici, amiche, amich3, fans e avventori occasionali di informapirata l'admin più rim...
Politica Pirata: informazione su #whistleblowing #dirittidigitali #sovranitàdigitale #copyright #privacy #cyberwarfare #pirati #Europa #opensource #opendata
Informa Pirata: informazione e notizie
Politica Pirata: informazione su #whistleblowing #dirittidigitali #sovranitàdigitale #copyright #privacy #cyberwarfare #pirati #Europa #opensource #opendata https://www.informapirata.itTelegram
Switzerland goes all-in on open source!
Switzerland pioneers a decision mandating all government software be released as open source: enhancing transparency and security.w
Public money, public code 🚀
#OpenSource #DigitalSovereignty #GovernmentTech @fsfe
Switzerland federal government requires releasing its software as open source
The United States remains reluctant to work with open source, but European countries are bolder.Steven Vaughan-Nichols (ZDNET)
🔧 Informa Pirata: informazione e notizie pinned «⚠️ Messaggio di servizio. Se volete, fatelo girare nei gruppi Telegram che frequentate o, meglio...
Politica Pirata: informazione su #whistleblowing #dirittidigitali #sovranitàdigitale #copyright #privacy #cyberwarfare #pirati #Europa #opensource #opendata
Informa Pirata: informazione e notizie
Politica Pirata: informazione su #whistleblowing #dirittidigitali #sovranitàdigitale #copyright #privacy #cyberwarfare #pirati #Europa #opensource #opendata https://www.informapirata.itTelegram
@RaccoonForFriendica utenti di Friendica, per chi fosse interessato ho pubblicato una nuova versione del client per Android cui sto lavorando (nel tempo libero), maggiori dettagli qui.
Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, ogni feedback è ben accetto, tenete conto che è ancora in alpha, quindi ci sono parecchie cose da fare/rivedere, non aspettatevi in assoluto la perfezione ma qualcosa di perfettibile!
#friendica #friendicadev #opensource #androidapp #kotlin #kmp #compose #multiplatform
Release 0.1.0-alpha10 · LiveFastEatTrashRaccoon/RaccoonForFriendica
What's Changed fix: initial timeline loading by @AkesiSeli in #109 Full Changelog: 0.1.0-alpha09...0.1.0-alpha10GitHub
Auf der diesjähirgen #FrOSCon habe ich zum Thema "Geld ist nicht alles! Neue Wege zur nachhaltigen Beschaffung Freier Software" gesprochen. Dank @c3voc ist der Talk nach kaum 20 Stunden schon online - tolle Arbeit!
Danke für viele gute Gedanken zum Thema während der Konferenz! Auf neuen Wegen mag mancher Fallstrick lauern, aber es lohnt sich, sie zu gehen.
Öffentliche Verwaltungen brauchen #FreieSoftware!
#PublicMoneyPublicCode #OpenSource #Openwashing @fsfe
Geld ist nicht alles!
Einst war Software-Beschaffung für Verwaltungen einfach: Wer den niedrigsten Lizenzpreis aufrief, erhielt den Zuschlag. Auch deswegen
🐲 Oggi nasce ufficialmente Librezilla, directory italiana di servizi online liberi, open source e gratuiti.
Librezilla - directory italiana di servizi online liberi, open source e gratuiti
Directory italiana di servizi online liberi, open source e gratuiti.Librezilla - directory italiana di servizi online liberi, open source e gratuiti