Items tagged with: foss4gna
💎Diamond: Wherobots
🥇Gold: Trimble
🥈Silver: Crunchy Data & RGi
🥉Bronze: EpochGeo & hobu
There's still time to sponsor!
We're working to confirm our sponsor for child care at the conference and update our list on the website.
Sponsors make the conference possible and help keep registration costs for attendees reasonable.
Volunteer at the conference!
*Volunteering 10 or more hours qualifies for free registration
Potential tasks include working at the registration desk, monitoring or moderating the sessions, and answering attendee questions.
We're also planning to have snappy volunteers-only t-shirts.
Volunteer Sign-up
Event Timing: October 23rd-25th, 2023 Event Address: 401 W Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21201 Contact organizers This form is used to gather intent to volunteer at the FOSS 4G North America Conference.Google Docs
General sponsorships as well as sponsorships for specific events and conference features, like childcare, are also available.
We're accepting talk and workshop submissions until May 31, 2023.
#gischat #geospatial #foss4gna #opensource