Items tagged with: Sicily
| Journal of Limnology |
SE #Sicily groundwater has the most species and biogeographically noteworthy taxa
Climate change & overexploitation are reducing and salinizing local #aquifers, threatening this #fauna, several taxa are disappearing before their discovery and description
Racovitzan impediment and hidden #biodiversity
Mediterranean island stygofauna
Checklist and distribution of the groundwater crustacean fauna from Sicily, Italy
Owing to the “Racovitzan impediment”, the groundwater fauna of most biogeographical regions is currently inadequately known, thus hampering our understanding of subterranean biodiversity and its
#Report,the reputable investigative programme broadcast on the Italian state TV broadcaster #RAI3, asked me to reconstruct what the @wikileaks cables reveal on the #Sicily #MessinaBridge.
An intriguing mix of big money, intel,diplomacy
Tonight on #RAI3
Report 2023/24 - Anticipazione Report. Le mani sul Ponte dello Stretto, le comunicazioni segrete di WikiLeaks - Video - RaiPlay
L'allarme mafia rispetto al Ponte sullo Stretto era stato lanciato anche dalla diplomazia americana. Le comunicazioni erano state rese note da Julian Assange e dai giornalisti di WikiLeaks.RaiPlay