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Items tagged with: blog

Fairphone 5 sets a new standard with 8-10 years of Android support and a 5-year warranty

Content warning: Light blue rear of a smart phone with 3 camera lenses shown, and a front facing view with the word Fairphone on the screen Fairphone is not trying to compete on bleeding edge specifications. It can be more likened to a mid-range phone, with long support,

Which should we use in 2023: HEIC Photo Format vs JPEG and PNG and WEBP formats

Content warning: Close up view of the back of a phone with its 3 camera lenses on top, resting on part of a laptop keyboard We all have long known the JPEG file format because it is quite old already, and just works everywhere. Back in the day it offered a reasonable comp

Un'azione di solito considerata come priva di rilevanza, in un attimo speciale può scoprirsi magica e impossibile da tenere per sé: tocca scrivere una recensione.

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Nota: questo articolo avrebbe dovuto si in primo luogo illustrare i problemi della dock di Switch, ma poi continuare e terminare con lo sviluppo totale della mia soluzione alternativa. La prima parte è venuta bella lunga, però, e ho paura che possa eclissare quella veramente importante, quella della mia soluzione pericolosamente originale. Quindi, in questo articolo parlo solo delle mie rogne; quello che uscirà in s...

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#Blog #Tecnologia #Gaming

Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code no longer available to the public: This effects various downstream distros based on it

Content warning: Red Hat has decided to stop making the source code of RHEL available to the public. From now on it will only be available to customers — who can’t legally share it. This is very […] ht

WhatsApp launches Channels feature for broadcast messages, long after Telegram, but plans to monetise it

Content warning: Seems the broadcast feature will work very similarly to Telegram’s broadcast channels in that an unlimited number of users can subscribe, but communication is broadcast one-w

Per colpa di gente che non sa leggere delle regole, mi sono venuti i demoni in capa mentre svolgevo un esame che doveva essere facilissimo.

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Per i motivi più vari, anche leciti, ci si può trovare a voler nascondere proprie #identità passate. A volte, però, i dettagli rovinano tutto!

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#blogoctt #sitoctt #ImportVecchiPost #Blog #Sociologia #Web

Inaudible ultrasound attack can stealthily control your phone, smart speaker

Content warning: The team of researchers consists of professor Guenevere Chen of the University of Texas in San Antonio (UTSA), her doctoral student Qi Xia, and professor Shouhuai Xu of the University o

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