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Items tagged with: software

Il professor Angelo Raffaele Meo, pioniere dell'#informatica in Italia, ha pubblicato in questi giorni una lettera aperta indirizzata al governo, per richiamare l’attenzione sull’importanza del #software libero e del suo sostegno in #Italia

Knot DNS
I've just read the interesing "Replace PowerDNS by Knot DNS and Knot Resolver+supervisor with DNSSEC, DNS over TLS and domain name spoofing" from ....

I didn't knew KnotDNS. It may be a wiser choice than MaraDNS

Replace PowerDNS by Knot DNS and Knot Resolver+supervisor with DNSSEC, DNS over TLS and domain name spoofing
February 11, 2023 yeupou1 Comment

I was considering using Knot DNS since
#Software #SoftwareLibero #DNS

How to join a Linux system to an Active Directory domain
Do you need to centrally manage Linux systems and user accounts under an Active Directory domain? Here's how to do it.

Source: How to join a Linux system to an Active Directory domain

You will end up having a /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file like this

[sssd]domains = YOUR_DOMAIN
#Proprietarysoftware #Software #ActiveDirectory

Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++
I must correct Shalitha Suranga because while he correctly titled his article

Why Modern Alternative Languages Never Replace C/C++

Hundreds of C/C++ alternatives will come, but C/C++ will be with us forever!

He wrote all the reason why C will remain forever as a "portable assembler". C++ is a complex language. A hugely complex
#Software ok, it is #proprietary #software but it's cool in its simplicity... are you aware of a free-as-in-freedom equivalent?

Open Color
Open Color, a color scheme for UI design. Found on ZeusNews as an alternative to the (very) proprietary Pantone.
#Software #SoftwareLibero

Uniform eXchange Format (uxf)
Uniform eXchange Format (uxf) is a plain text human readable optionally typed storage format that supports custom types. It may serve as a convenient alternative to csv, ini, json, sqlite, toml, xml, or yaml.

Looks smart and interesting!

Expecially this part:

Implmenting a UXF pretty printer whould be doable by
#Software #SoftwareLibero

Uniform eXchange Format (uxf)
Uniform eXchange Format (uxf) is a plain text human readable optionally typed storage format that supports custom types. It may serve as a convenient alternative to csv, ini, json, sqlite, toml, xml, or yaml.

Looks smart and interesting!
#Software #SoftwareLibero

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