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Browsing old patterning books and magazines to bring my chill levels up, came across this issue of La Vraie Mode from 1905 and chuckled at the hat topping of *an entire bird*

Also I kinda want to make that cape, I really do

#FashionHistory #ArchiveOrg
in reply to Sini Tuulia

When your gaze lands upon the page and you just burst out laughing. Probably not the intended effect. 😄​ (The Delineator, 1895 September.)

Madam, that is too much embellishment!

#FashionHistory #FashionPlates
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Sini Tuulia

@Sini Tuulia surely it's only unbalanced because there isn't enough embellishment on the hat?

(nope, that's not the case, even for their standards :D )

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