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Items tagged with: fashionplates

When your gaze lands upon the page and you just burst out laughing. Probably not the intended effect. 😄​ (The Delineator, 1895 September.)

Madam, that is too much embellishment!

#FashionHistory #FashionPlates

This one looks a bit more normal for the period:

(Late #1890s dress in green with skirt, waist and a a polonaise with a big standing collar and big lapels, everything covered in big lace decorations in white. There is also a big pink scarf around the neck)

except that when I opened the page while being distracted I saw the lace decoration on the top of the sleeve as a skull, and now I can't stop thinking of this in black, with white death-themed lace all over, worn of course on board the Arcadia (yes, the spaceship, of course).


And then, continuing with the #fashionPlates, there was this one:

(which depicts another early #1890s dress with a plain skirt and waist with the expected huge sleeves in salmon, with just a bit of lace details. And then there is a sort of black swiss waist with gravity defying tabs that reach up towards the bust and ribbons with a dovetail end that go down to mid-tight, plus some black wings? on the shoulders.)

filed under: #whatWereTheyThinking???

Today I was browsing through #fashionPlates from the #1890s as one does, and I stumbled on this

(the linked plate has a depiction of a 1890s style dress in pale red fabric with blue/green/yellow lines forming *big* squares (~20 cm?); the skirt is typical for the era, the jacket has the expected big sleeves, plus a very triangular capelet and a skirt that reaches just past the hips and ends in two sharp points in the front. There is also a blue belt, and blue cuffs and collars. The model is also carrying a parasol that looks more like a pointy stick)

And now I can't stop thinking of that dress in grey/silvery lurex fabric, on a #1960s sci-fi spaceship.

If i didn't have more projects than time (many of which are also going to be used way more) I would consider doing this :D

I could do with a pelisse today. Blooming chilly here today. (From the Lady’s Magazine for 1819) #fashion #regency #fashionplates #dresshistory #womensmagazines #journals

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