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Freedom of #Assange is IMMENSE news!💗 Still processing the multiple emotions: joy, relief, gratefulness.. and a bit of worry.

Sure it IS a reason to celebrate🥳

His unjust ordeal is (probably) over (for now). He walks out of this hellhole that is Belmarsh.

Now there are also reasons to be concerned🧐

The plea deal is nor public nor signed yet. It may contain tons of unjust clauses (gag order? etc.) and is still a strong political signal to deter further journalistic efforts like #WikiLeaks

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉

My first thought after that is a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated, in the light or in the shade, to make this happen!

We were legion, tirelessly pleading for his case, experimenting, publishing, protesting, shouting, arguing for his memory to remain vivid, for History to be written the right way.

THANK YOU! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (you know who you are ;) )

#FreeAssange #AssangeFree

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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