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Items tagged with: AssangeFree

#assangefree 'How Julian Assange’s plea deal and release was negotiated'

Jen Robinson (#Assange lawyer) interview


Declassified UK
Exclusive: Jeremy Corbyn tells us about his phone call with Julian Assange after the
founder landed in Australia as a free man -

Never forget that it's an endless war (Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza and more to come)

“The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the US and Europe taxpayers through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational elite.

The goal is an endless war, not a successful war…”


To protect press freedom and our right to the truth, Europe must clearly rule out any future detention and extradition of those who expose human rights abuses in the public interest - #transparency is not a crime. Europe must finally offer these people protection from persecution and safe residence - including NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden!
#Pirates #AssangeFree #FreedJulianAssange

My first thought after that is a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who participated, in the light or in the shade, to make this happen!

We were legion, tirelessly pleading for his case, experimenting, publishing, protesting, shouting, arguing for his memory to remain vivid, for History to be written the right way.

THANK YOU! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (you know who you are ;) )

#FreeAssange #AssangeFree

Ceci étant dit, mes premières pensées sont un IMMENSE MERCI á toustes celleux qui ont participé, dans l'ombre ou dans la lumière, á rendre cela possible!

Nous avons été légion, nous exprimant, epérimentant, publiant, manifestant, hurlant, argumentant sans relâche pour que sa mémoire demeure vive, que l'Histoire soit écrite correctement.

MERCI!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (vous vous reconnaîtrez ;)) )

#FreeAssange #AssangeFree

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