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After years of imprisonment and fighting for his freedom, #Wikileaks founder Julian #Assange is finally free and reunited with his family in his home country of Australia. I am so happy for his entire family, who truly deserve this belated happiness!

Nevertheless, the US government has succeeded in criminalising for the first time the exposure of abuses of power and human rights abuses by the powerful. The Assange court conviction for "conspiracy to obtain information" will deter investigative journalism worldwide. As a reminder, watch this video in which Stella Assange explains the importance of our right to the truth.

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in reply to Patrick Breyer

To protect press freedom and our right to the truth, Europe must clearly rule out any future detention and extradition of those who expose human rights abuses in the public interest - #transparency is not a crime. Europe must finally offer these people protection from persecution and safe residence - including NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden!
#Pirates #AssangeFree #FreedJulianAssange

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