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My experience with a PinePhone

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

organicmaps from flatpak is supposedly working well, also puremaps from flatpak. And yes, packaging puremaps for debian *is* a pain, fully agreed.
in reply to Mobian

#FoxTrotGPS in #Debian works great for me on the #pinePhone, with a collection of wifi predown-loaded #OpenStreetMaps. I dont use tracking, so cant speak to that. My use is largely similar to yours Thanks for your review. I get voice and #SMS messages in #Dino, with an #XMPP-#telephony bridge account from Got super high quality pics from raw files when I had the patience to wait for each to rendor (GIMP converted later). @mobian

Debacle reshared this.

in reply to Mobian

@Mobian right, I had forgotten to mention organicmaps, even if I've heard good things about it (to me it's still filed as “somebody else's problem” until it's available from debian :) )

mostly, I haven't really looked at improving my software situation because the hardware side is so bad that it doesn't really encourage using the pinephone for anything map-related :)
in reply to Mobian

I can't help much, because of -ENOTIME, but if there are any small steps, e.g. packaging one of a thousand of dependencies of #puremaps or #organicmaps or #mepo or #osmin, I probably can do that.
in reply to Debacle

@debacle we already got s2geometry into Debian, but the libremaps-gl stuff has tons of vendored in dependencies, some of which rely on the 'json - you can only use this for good' license which Debian classifies as nonfree. Anything there would help a great deal.
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Greg (K8KET) 🇺🇸
Try OrganicMaps ( There is a Linux desktop app as well.
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Debacle @Delib I don't think that FoxTrotGPS has the feature to search for things, afaik it only shows downloaded map tiles (no vector/poi data), but I may be wrong, especially if it has been added semi-recently
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@debacle Yeah FoxtrotGPS saves my points of interest. But not sure about loading or searching external POI.

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