"It’s never been more evident that for-profit publishing simply does not align with the aims of scholarly inquiry" https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jul/16/academic-journal-publishers-universities-price-subscriptions Where scholars are scholars and free to go, they leave the commercial academic publishing racket; where they have become (uncivil) servants under the heel of state evaluation (https://commentbfp.sp.unipi.it/maria-chiara-pievatolo-the-scale-and-the-sword-statal-science-and-research-evaluation/), they stay. #academicpublishing #openscience
Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that
Giant publishers are bleeding universities dry, with profit margins that rival Google’s. So we decided to start our own, says academic Arash AbizadehArash Abizadeh (The Guardian)
Maria Chiara Pievatolo
in reply to Maria Chiara Pievatolo • • •"La tensione fra gli scopi degli editori commerciali (che mirano ad aumentare il profitto) e le comunità scientifiche (che mirano ad aumentare la disseminazione delle proprie scoperte) è ormai arrivata a un punto critico, e le dimissioni in massa sono ormai qualcosa di molto comune fra i ricercatori" - o meglio fra i ricercatori che non sono impiegati sottomessi alla valutazione di stato. https://openscience.unimi.it/academic-journals-are-a-lucrative-scam-the-guardian/
Academic journals are a lucrative scam (The Guardian) – Open Science @Unimi
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