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in reply to Gilbert Busana

I see you recommend # # #, but those are still centralized services. What about @radicle ? A decentralized source host?
No inbuilt CI (just like gitea and sourcehut), but at least you won't depend on a centralized service (FLOSS or not)
in reply to Gilbert Busana

A self-hosted instance of something that works right now is already an improvement over being stuck on a centralized software managed by somebody else.

Also, sourcehut already allows decentralized interactions, since it works mostly through e-mail; afaik you would need an account on that specific sourcehut instance only to be granted direct access to the repository (rather than contributing via patches / PR-ish-es)

@loveisgrief@Software Freedom Conservancy
in reply to Gilbert Busana

We tried to communicate w/ # re: #; they have outright refused to answer community questions on Copilot & took it for-profit. Copilot ignores copyleft requirements; so it's time to #
in reply to Gilbert Busana

I would love to do this but self-hosting seems like the only way of maintaining control and independence and that seems far too high a bar for learning and maintenance, as someone without much familiarity in web tech.
in reply to Gilbert Busana

@ben🌱ui@Software Freedom Conservancy

For people with some familiarity with tech, but not enough to comfortably host a full multi user web forge, there are also things like gitolite+cgit that are pretty limited in their feature set, but may be enough for a lot of usecases, and are much simpler and low effort to host.

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