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From Mistpark to Streams: An attempt at a chronology

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Come to think of it, if Streams is supposed to be the foundation of whatever you want it to be, everything that goes beyond the foundation will be third-party add-ons.

And maybe, instead of everyone just building stuff for themselves, we'll get add-on repositories from which third-party add-ons can be installed. This would mean that Streams gets more powerful without whoever identifies as core devs having to develop and maintain this extra power.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland
Come to think of it, if Streams is supposed to be the foundation of whatever you want it to be, everything that goes beyond the foundation will be third-party add-ons.
Or special purpose forks. With features like federation, OpenWebAuth, and nomadic identity built in, you could build a variety of different apps on top of Streams. And since you're allowed to brand it however you want, you can call your unique app whatever you want to call it.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Mario explained it to the @Hubzilla Boost Team lately. Nomad is the avant-garde and newest version of Mikes visions for dezentral networks with a new name. Up to now Zot is compatible towards Nomad but the other way around there are few new features in nomad which will be back ported to ZOT if it is possible to do, time by time.

Zot / Nomad works very similar to AP but offers features AP does not have. So what ever the future of AP looks like we can do thinks independently of AP

Finally Zot / Nomad functions could become part of AP or seen as an extension of AP.

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