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Sachez que le diagnostique est une fonctionnalité qui … Rock n' roll ! Ils aiment juste rester simples les devs de Yunohost. Ça marche d’enfer 🥰
in reply to butterflyoffire ⏚

S tu n’as pas installé YuNoHost à 50 ans, c’est que tu as raté 1 virage 😜
Unknown parent

Paolo Redaelli
Do they have a #fediverse server? Last time I checked they didn't. #pleroma, #mastodon, anything goes
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

It seems #yunohost finally has its own #pleroma package 🤩
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

This package has been around for at least three years. 😇 We've got #pixelfed, #mastodon and some of its forks, #lemmy... 🚀

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