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Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently)

Subheading: I Will Demote Ubuntu 23.10

SRS, WTF. Who’s asking for this?
in reply to Tek say resist

Bye bye Ubuntu 😥😭 you started as a "easily usable Debian version" and now you're almost rejecting your own roots. I fear it won't end up good
in reply to Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

I returned to full #Debian macchine 5-6 years ago. Situation is way better than it once was. Also thanks to #flatpak the omnipresence of Ubuntu is not that relevant anymore
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

@paoloredaelli @onepict

The real problem is that they ship less stuff on deb and more on snap, which is now basically a proprietary tool, since nobody else is using it much (flatpak and appimage are much more used). Conversely on the server side, the (docker) container is a dominating format.

Thus it seem that this move is just a (clumsy) try to lock-in the user base or to build a proprietary app store. Will keep stayng w. debian.

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