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Hm. I think I need a turn of the 20th century wrapper/tea gown/house dress type garment.

My fabric is a cozy navy wool, so I'll want to avoid some of the more fantastical ruffled confections

Here's some pictures from the 1897 and 1898 Sears catalogues and the 1899 Eaton's catalogue.

For planning purposes.

#sewing #historybounding
in reply to Rivikah

@Rivikah yes! everybody¹ needs a comfy but elegant house dress such as these!

Says the one who has been thinking of one for years, and still only has vague plans :D

¹ FSVO everybody
in reply to Rivikah

My evening's internet browsing tells me these usually opened down the front and were mostly constructed over a vest-like inner bodice liner that fastened separately. I'm currently debating whether or not I want to go to all that trouble.

Most of these it would not be at all difficult to just make them pull on over the head and then belt at the waist.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Rivikah

And now I consider adjusting my pattern for more efficient fabric layout.
in reply to Rivikah

All cut.

OK, I still need to make a plan about a collar and some facings. But all the big bits are done.

Here are four piles:
Two continuous meters of left over fabric that I might get a very practical pair of trousers from if I'm careful. (Only 3 meters used for this garment if anyone's keeping score.)
A pile of small probably useless scraps.
A pile of larger pieces that I will cut the aforementioned collar and facings from.
My cut out pieces.

#sewing #historybounding
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Rivikah

I've started to put the first seams in place and now reach an all important question: Pockets?

I don't really want to have to fiddle with pockets. But will I regret it?
in reply to Rivikah

My quest to be cozy requires that I hang out in my cold basement because it's stitching time!

#sewing #treadle
in reply to Rivikah

The weekend's progress. This still needs collar and neck facings, belt, hemming and wrist finishing, buttons and button holes.

I was planning a little standing collar to really lean in to the spinster aunt vibe, but now that I'm here.... maybe more floof? Probably not though. Little standing collars are versatile in a way big floofy ones aren't. Maybe some decorative braid though.

#sewing #historybounding #1898
in reply to Rivikah

More progress! All that's left is hemming and fasteners.

And maybe fussing around with a couple of little details. (Sleeve pleats are asymmetrical collar comes too much around the front)

This is already amazing and getting tons of wear even unfinished

#sewing #historybounding
in reply to Rivikah

Wow, that's gorgeous. And yeah, even I can see that the sleeves are neat!
in reply to Scurra

The sleeves are /magical/.'d expect there to be some fancy tailoring in there. Maybe a lining supporting all that poof. Or at least some careful drafting. But no. It's just "Make the sleeve head as big as you like and pleat it down to size"

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