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Items tagged with: HistoryBounding

If I may, might I direct your attention to my favourite hat I ever made!
It is absolutely enormous and fits on top of some truly chunky wigs and is wider than my actual shoulders in some places!

The construction is on top of a repurposed sinamay base, steamed and remoulded, covered in velvet and just a bunch of different veiling and crin tube to simulate the movement of feathers sans feathers!

#Millinery #HistoryBounding

It is I! The Outside Girl!

Here is the pictorial evidence of me pointing at the different crafted wood details on a pretty old building. And edit, another photo because my jacket I made is cute.
"Gosh that's a lot of snow for April", you may think, and indeed it is!

#TheOutsideGirl #HistoryBounding

most of the fabric has been cut (I think I still need to cut some facings or small things), all seams lines marked with tailor's tacks.

And then, since this is a modern dress (even if an #historyBounding one), and I have access to a serger, of course I've decided to finish all edges with bias tape, and not pre-made one, since that's too thick, but made from some navy blue cotton voile I had in my stash.

I do have all of the fancy tools to make it easier and faster (bias making devices, and a binding foot for the sewing machine), but today as I was cutting that bias tape I was reconsidering my lifestyle choices a bit :D

More progress! All that's left is hemming and fasteners.

And maybe fussing around with a couple of little details. (Sleeve pleats are asymmetrical collar comes too much around the front)

This is already amazing and getting tons of wear even unfinished

#sewing #historybounding

The weekend's progress. This still needs collar and neck facings, belt, hemming and wrist finishing, buttons and button holes.

I was planning a little standing collar to really lean in to the spinster aunt vibe, but now that I'm here.... maybe more floof? Probably not though. Little standing collars are versatile in a way big floofy ones aren't. Maybe some decorative braid though.

#sewing #historybounding #1898

All cut.

OK, I still need to make a plan about a collar and some facings. But all the big bits are done.

Here are four piles:
Two continuous meters of left over fabric that I might get a very practical pair of trousers from if I'm careful. (Only 3 meters used for this garment if anyone's keeping score.)
A pile of small probably useless scraps.
A pile of larger pieces that I will cut the aforementioned collar and facings from.
My cut out pieces.

#sewing #historybounding

Some of you may remember that last year I have been #handsewing a shirt in red wool, but by the time I've mostly¹ finished it it was already too warm to be able to wear it significantly.

At least, the Sensible Season seems to have started, and I can wear it!

There will be a blog post. At some unknown time in the future.

a woman walking away from the camera wearing a black long skirt, grey braces, and a red shirt with wide sleeves and a lot of fabric gathered in the middle part of the fitted yoke. The collar is just a collar band, and there is a button in the nape of the neck for a detached collar that is not being worn.

The same, standing still, from the front; there is little fullness above the waistline (where it's tucked in the skirt), and it opens with a button placket in the front with 3 visible buttons.

¹ it does need a few detachable collar and cuffs variants, to style it a bit differently, but those don't prevent me from wearing the shirt as is.

#historyBounding #FreeSoftWear

Hm. I think I need a turn of the 20th century wrapper/tea gown/house dress type garment.

My fabric is a cozy navy wool, so I'll want to avoid some of the more fantastical ruffled confections

Here's some pictures from the 1897 and 1898 Sears catalogues and the 1899 Eaton's catalogue.

For planning purposes.

#sewing #historybounding

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