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The #EuropeanCommission is finally considering whether "#OpenSource software (#OSS)…can be used as a foundation for developing the new #publishing platform" for EC-funded #OpenAccess research.

Unfortunately, the new software would merely "underpin" #OpenResearchEurope (#ORE), not replace it. ORE is proprietary software owned by #TaylorAndFrancis. When the EC called for bids on ORE, it did not require open code despite many calls to do so.

#FLOSS #OpenInfrastructure

in reply to petersuber

Update. Here's the #EuropeanCommission call for tenders on the new #OpenSource infrastructure for Open [#OpenAccess] Research Publishing.

The EC estimates it will pay €1 million for 2 years of work. Tenders are due by January 31, 2024.


This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to petersuber

Update. Open Research Europe (#ORE) is still planning to shift from closed to #OpenSource, and from proprietary to #OpenInfrastructure.

"[ORE] should be collectively owned and supported by research funders and research institutions and operate as a service for researchers with no author facing fees. The aim is for the infrastructure of the platform to be open source."

in reply to petersuber

Update. More on the EC plan for Open Research Europe (#ORE) to adopt an #OpenSource core.

See §2.4.5. "ORE will be underpinned by an #OpenSource software #infrastructure, the core elements of which will be developed with the support of the Commission and will follow #OpenStandards. Its infrastructure will be in line with the Principles for Open Scholarly Infrastructure [#POSI] and with the Open Source Software Strategy of the European Commission."

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to petersuber

Update. Very good news: The European Commission picked #OpenJournalSystems (#OJS) to be the #OpenSource core of #OpenResearchEurope (#ORE).

At least at its core, the primary platform for hosting EC-funded #OpenAccess research will finally now be #OpenInfrastructure.

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