How to build a European-wide OSRM server on a desktop computer?
OSRM is a routing software based on OpenStreetMap data. It can be used to find the fastest routes or compute time matrices.
This post describes how to set up this RAM-intensive software on a personal computer.
As a reward for a successful installation, I'm proposing a modest R package to create "All roads lead to ..." maps.
#rstats #rspatial #gischat #openstreetmap
OSRM is a routing software based on OpenStreetMap data. It can be used to find the fastest routes or compute time matrices.
This post describes how to set up this RAM-intensive software on a personal computer.
As a reward for a successful installation, I'm proposing a modest R package to create "All roads lead to ..." maps.
#rstats #rspatial #gischat #openstreetmap