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Items tagged with: openstreetmap

I have a new obsession: OpenStreetMap. It’s like the perfect open world game where you improve the real world by playing.
You can go outside and play “on the ground”, be the first one to add a new bikeway or fix the opening hours of your favorite bakery. Or you can map from the couch by analyzing aerial images. At they always need volunteers for some humanitarian mapping. It can be as easy as “spot all the buildings in this image.”


Oggi è stato un pomeriggio prolifico su #OpenStreetMap. Ho aggiunto delle rampe nella piazza pedonale della città confinante e il routing per gli utenti in sedia a rotelle è migliorato sensibilmente.


Thanks to some very helpful feedback #MastodonNearMe now has its own Web page with a more easily viewed data directory:

I'll deprecate the Github page and this will be the new home for the text version going forward.

#OpenStreetMap #OSM #mapstodon #umap

Remember that #OpenStreetMap data is not just used on

There are tons of other sites, many of them very useful like #BikeTooter is a lesser known example but I find it very informative. #ILikeTrains has so many more.


Día 9: Hexagons. 6 sides, 6 angles, and 6 vertices

Proyección cantidad de habitantes por hexágono (INDEC+IDE Pergamino) (r=200)

#OpenStreetMap #IDE #Pergamino

I've been enjoying the #30DayMapChallenge posts. I don't have time to take part every day, but thought I'd have a go at the 'Bad Map' prompt (I know, I'm a day late...!)

Anyway, here's my bad map titled 'All the Scots in Scotland' which shows all places with 'scot' in their name. And yes, I have used Irn Bru colours, what's your problem? 😉

Data came from #OpenStreetMap Made in #QGIS and #inkscape

#Scotland #maps #irnbru

Took the opportunity to look at OSM tags for barns and stables in Virginia. The number of stables in many counties is underrepresented. Looks like I'll need to help review some tags in my free time. 😀

#30DayMapChallenge #OpenStreetMap #Virginia #chloropleth #barns #stables #HorsesOfMastodon #Horsetodon #horse #equestrian #DMV

Last day 2 map for #30DayMapChallenge (lines) is related to this day 1 point map

There has been a lot of interest within #OpenStreetMap about the best way to map hydrological networks and particularly if continuity should be kept through lakes.

The map shows progressive stages of pruning a straight skeleton of a couple of lakes retaining lines linked to outflows.

PS. I've played with these before

pgBouncer is being added to PgOSM Flex! This should help the connection load with --append workloads

It is a WIP but I *think* it is functional! Testing and feedback welcome.

This finally became possible b/c pgBouncer added support for prepared statements 🤓

#pgosm #postgis #openstreetmap #gischat

We have released version 8.0 of GraphHopper, an open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap.

#OpenStreetMap #opensource #Java #gis #gischat #spatial #logistics #GraphHopper

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