Items tagged with: desktop
1) #appio "versione #desktop/browser"?
2) e chi usa telefoni "#degooglizzati"? Va bene c'è #Aurora
3) biometria... così dopo averti rubato il telefono ti tagliano l'indice o ti cavano un occhio… 😜 ok, è estrema, non è specifica per; ricordo una scena d'un film di fantascienza dove avveniva proprio quello (vabbè per la passwd vale sempre ).
Xò i sorgenti sono disponibili: ottimo!
10 Most Popular #Linux #Desktop #desktop_environments of All Time
10 Most Popular Linux Desktop Environments of All Time
In this article, we shall list and walk through some of the best and most used desktop environments for Linux, including features and components.James Kiarie (Tecmint: Linux Howtos, Tutorials & Guides)
Hello, a desktop system based on FreeBSD
I shall try it!
Hello, a desktop system for creators with a focus on simplicity, elegance, and usability. Based on FreeBSD. Less, but better!
Please see for documentation.
This repository is where developers and interested advanced users brainstorm on helloSystem. If you are looking for documentation, Live IS
Hello, a desktop system based on FreeBSD
I shall try it! Hello, a desktop system for creators with a focus on simplicity, elegance, and usability. Based on FreeBSD. Less, but better! Please see for documentation. This repository is where …Paolo Redaelli
GitHub - Spacc-Inc/Spaccamient: Mobile-first [Matrix] client derived from Element Web
Mobile-first [Matrix] client derived from Element Web - GitHub - Spacc-Inc/Spaccamient: Mobile-first [Matrix] client derived from Element WebGitHub
Quanti di voi ricordano il videogame anni '80 Digger? Ve lo proponiamo in versione open source e giocabile completamente online!
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#Desktop #80s
Sapevate che si può giocare al mitico, primo e inimitabile Prince of Persia online? Ecco dove trovarlo ed è anche open source!
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#Desktop #80s #gioco #nostalgia #platform #princeofpersia